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广东省中共深圳市委组织部 深圳市人事局

中共深圳市委组织部 深圳市人事局




第一章 总 则

  第一条 为保证领导干部选拔任用工作的客观、公正和科学,有利于优秀人才脱颖而出,杜绝选人用人上的不正之风,特制订本办法。
  第二条 本办法适用于领导干部公开选拔和竞争上岗工作。
  第三条 测评必须遵循的原则:党管干部原则;德才兼备、任人唯贤原则;公开、平等、竞争、择优原则;具体职位具体分析原则;程序化与规范化原则;考试与考察相结合原则。
  第四条 测评工作分制定方案、实施考试、组织考察三个主要环节。

第二章 制订方案

  第五条 在测评工作正式实施之前,各级组织人事部门须对拟选职位进行职位分析,并按规范要求制定职位测评方案,作为整个测评工作的依据。
  第六条 职位分析是指对职位说明书所列示的职位要求作进一步的分析,把握职位要求中的关键性因素。
  第七条 职位测评方案应包括如下内容:

第三章 考 试

  第八条 考试由市委组织部、市人事局组织实施,有条件的单位亦可由单位组织人事部门依照本办法组织实施。
  第九条 考试重点测试申报人履行所申报职位职责的能力,即分析和解决职位职责问题的能力。要通过对能力的测试了解申报人的相关知识、理论素养、政策水平、法律意识和相关技术,一般不考纯理论题和纯记忆题。考试分笔试和面试两项。
  第十条 在局级领导干部公开选拔中,当同一拟选职位具备申报资格的人数达到4人以上(含4人)时,处级领导干部竞争上岗中,具备申报资格的人数达到3人以上(含3人)时,该职位的考试方可进行。所有具备申报资格的人员均有权参加考试。
  第十一条 笔试重点测试申报人履行职位职责所必须具备的政策水平、专业知识和业务能力。
  第十二条 笔试题型主要有选择题、案例分析题、议论题和竞职设想等。
  第十三条 笔试成绩满分为100分。
  第十四条 笔试时间一般为120-180分钟。
  第十五条 笔试由市委组织部、市人事局组织笔试考官组负责评卷工作。每一考官组由9-11人组成。每位考官须独立审阅全部笔试试卷。计分时,首先去掉最高分和最低分,然后加总平均其他考官的给分作为考生得分。
  第十六条 笔试成绩经全体参评考官签字后方能生效。
  第十七条 按笔试成绩高低取前6名进入面试;当参加笔试人数等于或少于6名时,不实行淘汰,全部进入面试。
  第十八条 面试的主要形式有结构化面试、半结构化面试、无领导小组讨论和情景模拟测验等。
  第十九条 面试重点测试申报人履行职位职责所必须具备的综合反应能力,含计划能力、决策能力、应变能力、组织协调能力、创新能力、逻辑思维能力和综合分析能力等。
  第二十条 面试成绩满分为100分。
  第二十一条 面试时间一般为40-60分钟。
  第二十二条 面试由市委组织部、市人事局组织面试考官组负责评分工作,每组考官9-11人。每位考官须独立评分。计分时,首先去掉最高分和最低分,然后加总平均其他考官的给分作为考生得分。
  第二十三条 面试得分经全体考官签字后方可生效。
  第二十四条 考试总分按申报人的笔试成绩占40%、面试成绩占60%加权计算。按考试总成绩排序,从考试总成绩位居前列者中录取初步入围人选。要用淘汰的方式确定初步入围人选。初步入围人选最多不得超过6名。初步入围人选进入组织考察程序。

第四章 考 察

  第二十五条 各级组织人事部门负责实施考察工作。考察的重点是政治立场、道德品质、履职能力、工作实绩和群众公认。
  第二十六条 考察的重点有二项:
  第二十七条 由组织人事部门根据候选人笔试成绩、面试成绩、民意测评和考察情况,结合拟任职位的具体要求,进行综合比较,排出名次,报上级党委(党组)研究决定。

第五章 附 则

  第二十八条 此前文件与本办法不符的,以本办法为准。
  第二十九条 本办法由市委组织部负责解释。





第一条 在中华人民共和国境内书立、领受本条例所列举凭证的单位和个人,都是印花税的纳税义务人(以下简称纳税人),应当按照本条例规定缴纳印花税。
第二条 下列凭证为应纳税凭证:
第三条 纳税人根据应纳税凭证的性质,分别按比例税率或者按件定额计算应纳税额,具体税率、税额的确定,依照本条例所附《印花税税目税率表》执行。
第四条 下列凭证免纳印共税:
第五条 印花税实行由纳税人根据规定自行计算应纳税额,购买并一次贴足印花税票(以下简称贴花)的缴纳办法。
第六条 印花税票应当粘贴在应纳税凭证上,并由纳税人在每枚税票的骑缝处盖戳注销或者画销。
第七条 应纳税凭证应当于书立或者领受时贴花。
第八条 同一凭证,由两方或者两方以上当事人签订并各执一份的,应当由各方就所执的一份各自全额贴花。
第九条 已贴花的凭证,修改后所载金额增加的,其增加部分应当补贴印花税票。
第十条 印花税由税务机关负责征收管理。
第十一条 印花税票由国家税务局监制。票面金额以人民币为单位。
第十二条 发放或者办理应纳税凭证的单位,负有监督纳税人依法纳税的义务。
第十三条 纳税人有下列行为之一的,由税务机关根据情节轻重,予以处罚:
第十四条 印花税的征收管理,除本条例规定者外,依照《中华人民共和国税收征收管理暂行条例》的有关规定执行。
第十五条 本条例由财政部负责解释;施行细则由财政部制定。
第十六条 本条例自1988年10月1日起施行。
税 目 ┃ 范 围 ┃ 税 率 ┃纳税义务人┃ 说 明
1.购销合同┃包括供应、预购、 ┃按购销金 ┃立合同人 ┃
┃采购、购销结合及 ┃额0.3‰贴 ┃ ┃
┃协作、调剂、补偿、┃花 ┃ ┃
┃易货等合同 ┃ ┃ ┃
2.加工承揽┃包括加工、定作、 ┃按加工或 ┃立合同人 ┃
合同 ┃修缮、修理、印刷、┃承揽收入 ┃ ┃
┃广告、测绘、测试 ┃0.5‰贴 ┃ ┃
┃等合同 ┃花 ┃ ┃
3.建设工程┃包括勘察、设计合 ┃按收取费 ┃立合同人 ┃
勘察设计┃同 ┃用0.5‰贴 ┃ ┃
合同 ┃ ┃花 ┃ ┃
4.建筑安装┃包括建筑、安装工 ┃按承包金 ┃立合同人 ┃
工程承包┃程承包合同 ┃额0.3‰贴 ┃ ┃
合同 ┃ ┃花 ┃ ┃
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃
5.财产租赁┃包括租赁房屋、船 ┃按租金额 ┃立合同人 ┃
合同 ┃舶、飞机、机动车 ┃1‰贴 ┃ ┃
┃辆、机械、器具、 ┃花。税额 ┃ ┃
┃设备等合同 ┃不足1元 ┃ ┃
┃ ┃的按1元 ┃ ┃
┃ ┃贴花 ┃ ┃
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃
6.货物运输┃包括民用航空、铁 ┃按运输费 ┃立合同人 ┃单据作为
合同 ┃路运输、海上运输、┃用0.5‰贴 ┃ ┃合同使用
┃内河运输、公路运 ┃花 ┃ ┃的,按合
┃输和联运合同 ┃ ┃ ┃同贴花
7.仓储保管┃包括仓储、保管合 ┃按仓储保 ┃立合同人 ┃仓单或栈
合同 ┃同 ┃管费用 ┃ ┃单作为合
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃同使用
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃的,按合
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃同贴花
┃ ┃1‰贴花 ┃ ┃单据作为
8.借款合同┃银行及其他金融组 ┃按借款金 ┃立合同人 ┃合同使用
┃织和借款人(不包 ┃额0.05‰ ┃ ┃的,按合
┃括银行同业拆借) ┃贴花 ┃ ┃同贴花
税 目 ┃ 范 围 ┃ 税 率 ┃纳税义务人┃ 说 明
9.财产保险┃所签订的借款合同 ┃按投保金 ┃ ┃单据作为
合同 ┃包括财产、责任、 ┃额0.03‰ ┃立合同人 ┃合同使用
┃保证、信用等保险 ┃贴花 ┃ ┃的,按合
┃合同 ┃ ┃ ┃同贴花
10.技术合同┃包括技术开发、转 ┃按所载金 ┃立合同人 ┃
┃让、咨询、服务等 ┃额0.3‰贴 ┃ ┃
┃合同。 ┃花 ┃ ┃
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃
11.产权转移┃包括财产所有权和 ┃按所载金 ┃立据人 ┃
书据 ┃版权、商标专用权、┃额0.5‰贴 ┃ ┃
┃专利权、专有技术 ┃花 ┃ ┃
┃使用权等转移书据 ┃ ┃ ┃
12.营业帐薄┃生产经营用帐册 ┃记载资金 ┃立帐簿人 ┃
┃ ┃的帐簿, ┃ ┃
┃ ┃按固定资 ┃ ┃
┃ ┃产原值与 ┃ ┃
┃ ┃自有流动 ┃ ┃
┃ ┃资金总额 ┃ ┃
┃ ┃0.5‰贴花 ┃ ┃
┃ ┃其他帐簿 ┃ ┃
┃ ┃按件贴花 ┃ ┃
┃ ┃5元。 ┃ ┃
13.权利、许┃包括政府部门发给 ┃按件贴花 ┃领受人 ┃
可证照 ┃的房屋产权证、工 ┃5元。 ┃ ┃
┃商营业执照、商标 ┃ ┃ ┃
┃注册证、专利证、土┃ ┃ ┃
┃地使用证 ┃ ┃ ┃
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃


(Adopted by the Ninth Executive Meeting of the State Council onJune 24, 1988 and promulgated by Decree No. 11 of the State Council of thePeople's Republic of China on August 6, 1988, and become effective as ofOctober 1, 1988)

Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Adopted by the Ninth Executive Meeting of the State Council on
June 24, 1988 and promulgated by Decree No. 11 of the State Council of the
People's Republic of China on August 6, 1988, and become effective as of
October 1, 1988)
Article 1
All units and individuals who execute or receive, within the territory of
the People's Republic of China, documents in the categories specified in
these Regulations shall be taxpayers subject to stamp tax (hereinafter
referred to as "taxpayers"), and shall pay stamp tax in accordance with
the provisions of these Regulations.
Article 2
The following categories of documents shall be taxable documents:
(1) contracts or documents in the nature of a contract with regard to:
purchases and sales, the undertaking of processing, contracting for
construction projects, property leasing, commodity transport, warehousing,
loans, property insurance, technology;
(2) documents for transfer of property rights;
(3) business account books;
(4) certificates evidencing rights or licences; and
(5) other documents that are taxable as determined by the Ministry of
Article 3
According to the nature of the taxable document, taxpayers shall calculate
the amount of tax due on the basis of a flat tax rate or a fixed amount
per document. Determination of the specific tax rate or amount of tax
shall be made with reference to the Schedule of Tax Items and Tax Rates
accompanying these Regualtions.
No stamp tax shall be due where the amount of tax payable does not exceed
one jiao. Where the amount of tax payable is one jiao or more, an odd
amount not exceeding five fen shall not be counted; where the odd amount
is five fen or more, the tax shall be calculated as one jiao.
Article 4
The following documents shall be exempt from stamp tax:
(1) duplicates or copies of documents on which stamp tax has already been
(2) documents executed for the donation of property to the government,
social welfare establishments or schools by the property owner;
(3) other documents which are exempt from stamp tax with the approval of
the Ministry of Finance.
Article 5
Measures for the payment of stamp tax shall be implemented whereby
taxpayers shall, in accordance with the provisions, calculate the amount
of tax payable and purchase and affix at one time the full corresponding
amount of tax stamps (hereinafter referred to as "stamping").
In order to simplify the stamping procedures where the amount of tax to be
paid is relatively large or where frequent stamping is necessary,
taxpayers may apply to the tax authorities to use a tax payment account
instead of stamping, or a periodic payment method.
Article 6
Tax stamps shall be affixed to taxable documents; taxpayers shall cancel
each stamp along its border with a seal or a drawn line. Tax stamps that
have already been affixed may not be reused.
Article 7
Tax stamps shall be affixed to taxable documents at the time of execution
or upon receipt.
Article 8
Where the same document is executed by two or more parties and each party
holds a copy, each party shall be responsible for affixing on its own copy
the full amount of tax stamps due.
Article 9
Where a document on which tax stamps have already been affixed is amended,
resulting in an increase in the value thereof, additional tax stamps shall
be affixed on the document in accordance with the amount of such increase.
Article 10
The tax authorities shall be responsible for the administration of the
collection of stamp tax.
Article 11
The State Taxation Bureau shall supervise the printing of the tax stamps.
The face value of tax stamps shall be denominated in Renminbi.
Article 12
Units issuing or processing taxable documents shall be responsible for the
supervision of taxpayers in respect of the payment of stamp tax in
accordance with the law.
Article 13
Where taxpayers are found to have engaged in any of the following, the tax
authorities shall impose penalties in light of the seriousness of the
(1) in the case of a failure to affix tax stamps, or to affix an
insufficient amount of tax stamps, on taxable documents, the tax
authorities may, in addition to ordering taxpayers to make up the tax
stamps, impose a fine equal to twenty times or less the amount of tax
stamps due;
(2) in the case of a violation of the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article
6 of these Regulations, the tax authorities may impose a fine equal to ten
times or less the amount of the tax stamps that have not been cancelled by
a seal or a drawn line; and
(3) in the case of a violation of the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article
6 of these Regulations, the tax authorities may impose a fine equal to
thirty times or less the amount of the tax stamps that have been reused.
In a case where tax stamps have been forged, the tax authorities shall
submit the matter to the judicial authorities for investigation into
criminal liability in accordance with the law.
Article 14
The collection and administration of stamp tax shall, in addition to the
provisions of these Regulations, be administered in accordance with the
pertinent provisions of the Interim Regulations of the People's Republic
of China for Tax Administration.
Article 15
The Ministry of Finance shall be responsible for the interpretation of
these Regulations, The rules for the implementation of these Regulations
shall be formulated by the Ministry of Finance.
Article 16
These Regulations shall become effective as of October 1, 1988.
Appendix: Stamp Tax Schedule of Tax Items and Tax Rates
|Tax Item |Scope |Tax Rate |Tax Payer |Remarks|
|1. purchases |including con- |0.03% of |parties to| |
| and sales |tracts for supp- |the value |the | |
| contracts |ly, advanced |of the |contract | |
| |sales, institu- |purchase | | |
| |tional pur- |or sale- | | |
| |chases, combin- | | | |
| |ed purchase and | | | |
| |cooperative | | | |
| |manufacturing, | | | |
| |assembly com- | | | |
| |pensation trade, | | | |
| |barter, and so | | | |
| |on. | | | |
|2. processing |including con- |stamping |parties to| |
| contracts |tracts for pro- |as 0.05% |the | |
| |cressing, special |of the in-|contract | |
| |orders, repair |come | | |
| |and renovation, |from pro- | | |
| |overhaul, print- |cessing or| | |
| |ing, advertising, |contract- | | |
| |surveying, |ing | | |
| |testing and so | | | |
| |on. | | | |
|3. survey and |including con- |0.05% of |parties to| |
| design con- |tracts for survey |receipts |the | |
| tracts for |and design | |contract | |
| engineering | | | | |
| and construc-| | | | |
| tion projects| | | | |
|4. construction |including con- |0.03% of |parties to| |
| and installa-|tracts for con- |the con- |the | |
| tion project |straction and in- |tracted |contract | |
| contracts |stallation |amount | | |
| |undertaking | | | |
|5.property leas-|including con- |0.1% of |parties to| |
| ing contracts |tracts for leasing|the lease |the | |
| |of buildings, |amounts |contract | |
| |vessels, aircraft,|less than | | |
| |motor vehicles, |one yuan | | |
| |machinery, ap- |to be | | |
| |pliances and |stamped | | |
| |other such |as one | | |
| |equipment |yuan | | |
|Tax Item |Scope |Tax Rate |Tax Payer |Remarks |
|6. goods |including con- |0.05% of |parties to|where the |
| transporta- |tracts for civil |the |the |documents are |
| tion contracts|aviation, railway|transpor-|contract |used as con- |
| |transportation, |tation | |tracts, stamping |
| |maritime |fees | |shall be made to |
| |transportation, | | |the documents |
| |inland water- | | |as in the case of|
| |ways, overland | | |contracts |
| |and through | | | |
| |transportation | | | |
|7. warehousing |including con- |0.01% of |parties to|where ware- |
| and safekeep- |tracts for |the ware-|the |housing or |
| ing contracts |warehousing |housing |contract |safekeeping |
| |and safekeeping |and | |receipts are used|
| | |safekeep-| |as contracts, |
| | |ing fee | |stamping shall |
| | | | |be made to the |
| | | | |documents as in |
| | | | |the case of |
| | | | |contracts |
|8. contracts for | including con- |0.005% of|parties to|if documents are |
| loan | tracts for loan |the loan |the |used as con- |
| | entered by |amount |contract |tracts, stamping |
| | banks and other | | |shall be made to |
| | financial | | |the documents |
| | organizations | | |in the case of |
| | and borrowers | | |contracts |
| | except interbank| | | |
| | loan agreements | | | |
|9. property in- | including in |0.003% of|parties to|if documents are |
| surance | surance con- |the |the |used as con- |
| contracts | tracts for pro- |amount |contract |tracts, stamping |
| | perty, bonding, |insured | |shall be made to |
| | guarantee, sure-| | |the documents |
| | ty and credit | | |as in the case of|
| | undertakings | | |contracts |
| | and so on | | | |
|10. technology | including con- |0.03% of |parties to| |
| contracts | tracts for |the in- |the | |
| | technology |dicated |contract | |
| | development |amount | | |
| | and transfer, | | | |
| | consulting, ser-| | | |
| | vice, and so on | | | |
|Tax Item |Scope |Tax Rate |Tax payer |Remarks |
|11. property |including |0.05% of |parties ex- | |
| transfer |transfer |the amount |ecuting the | |
| documents |documents for |indicated |document(s) | |
| |property owner- | | | |
| |ship and | | | |
| |copyrights, | | | |
| |trademark | | | |
| |rights, patents, | | | |
| |the right to the | | | |
| |use of pro- | | | |
| |prietary | | | |
| |technology and | | | |
| |so on | | | |
|12.business |account books |account |business ac-| |
| accounting |used for produc- |books for |counting | |
| documents |tion and |recording |entities | |
| |business |funds: 0.05% | | |
| |operations |of the total | | |
| | |amount of | | |
| | |the original | | |
| | |value of fix-| | |
| | |ed assets | | |
| | |and self- | | |
| | |owned | | |
| | |working | | |
| | |capital; | | |
| | |other ac- | | |
| | |count | | |
| | |books: 5 | | |
| | |yuan for | | |
| | |each | | |
|13.certificates|including cer- |5 yuan per |receiver(s) | |
| and licences|tificates of title|document |of the | |
| |for buildings, | |document(s) | |
| |business | | | |
| |licences for in- | | | |
| |dustry and com- | | | |
| |merce, cer- | | | |
| |tificates for | | | |
| |registration of | | | |
| |trade-marks, cer- | | | |
| |tificates of | | | |
| |patents, and | | | |
| |land use | | | |
| |certificates | | | |
[*1] According to the interpretation of Rules for the Implementation of
the Interim Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Stamp Tax,
promulgated by the Ministry of Finance on September 29, 1988, the Interim
Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Stamp Tax shall also
apply to Chinese-foreign Equity joint ventures. Chinese-foreign
contractual joint ventures, foreign-capital enterprises, foreign
companies, enterprises and other economic organizations as well as their
resident offices in China. -The Editor.














