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  第一条 为规范人才中介行为,维护人才市场秩序,加强对全市人才交流会的审批和管理,根据《宁波市人才中介服务机构管理办法》(宁波市人民政府第132号令)及有关法律法规,制定本细则。

  第二条 本细则所称人才交流会是指在宁波全市范围内由人才中介服务机构为用人单位和人才之间双向选择提供交流洽谈场所和相关服务的中介活动。

  第三条 人才交流会分为临时性人才交流会和固定性人才交流会两种。临时性人才交流会是指人才中介服务机构,独立或联合其他部门或单位,利用自有或临时租用场所,为用人单位和人才组织开展的非定期性的人才招聘活动。


  第四条 举办人才交流会应当遵守国家法律、法规及政策规定,坚持平等、自愿、公平和诚实守信的原则,实行单位自主用人,个人自主择业。

  第五条 人才交流会须由专营的人才中介服务机构举办。在本市申请举办人才交流会的人才中介服务机构须具备下列条件:  (一)持有宁波市人才中介服务许可证;  (二)注册资金在50 万元以上(含50 万元);   (三)具有5 名以上专职工作人员;  (四)有与申请举办的人才交流会规模相适应的场所。

  第六条 人才中介服务机构联合其他部门或单位共同举办人才交流会的,人才中介服务机构为主办单位,同时必须明确协办单位或承办单位,由主办单位办理有关手续,承担主要责任,协办单位或承办单位承担相应连带责任。

  第七条 人才交流会的主办单位具体负责交流会活动的组织实施工作,承担审查招聘单位资质、保证交流场馆安全、维护招聘现场秩序、监督规范入场单位和个人行为、防止欺诈确保诚信交流等职责和义务。

  第八条 人才中介服务机构举办的人才交流会,其名称、内容必须与主办单位的业务范围相符,必须有严密的组织方案、安全工作方案和突发事件应急预案。

  第九条 在本市举办人才交流会须经县以上人事行政部门批准,未经批准,任何单位和个人不得举办人才交流会。

  第十条 申请举办全国性或全省性人才交流会的,按国家和省有关规定报批并报宁波市人事局备案。申请举办面向全市范围或冠以“宁波”或“宁波市”等称谓的人才交流会,报宁波市人事局批准。申请举办其他人才交流会的,报举办地县(市)、区人事局批准。


  第十一条 在本市举办临时性人才交流会,主办单位须提前60天按上述第九条规定向相关人事行政部门提出申请,并需提交下列申请材料:  1.宁波市举办人才交流会申请表(表格可从宁波市人事局网站下载中心下载,网址:http//www.nbrs.gov.cn)一式两份;  2.拟刊播的广告稿,须注明人才交流会的名称、内容、规模、时间、地点、主办单位、协办单位、承办单位、收费标准;  3.举办单位的《宁波市人才中介服务许可证》、《企业法人营业执照》或《事业单位法人证书》副本原件及复印件  4.人才交流会组织实施方案、安全保卫方案、突发事件应急预案及会场平面图、布展图;  5.主办单位与协办单位、承办单位的合作协议,人才交流会场馆产权证明或租赁协议等。

  第十二条 在本市举办固定性人才交流会,主办单位须在举办的上一年度12月底前按上述第九条规定向相关人事行政部门提出申请,并需提交下列申请材料:  1.宁波市举办人才交流会申请表(表格可从宁波市人事局网站下载中心下载,网址:http//www.nbrs.gov.cn)一式两份;  2.举办固定性人才交流会的年度计划;  3.拟刊播的广告稿样式,须注明人才交流会的名称、内容、规模、时间、地点、主办单位、协办单位、承办单位、收费标准等;  4.举办单位的《宁波市人才中介服务许可证》、《企业法人营业执照》或《事业单位法人证书》副本原件及复印件;  5.人才交流会组织实施方案、安全保卫方案、突发事件应急预案及会场平面图、布展图;  6.主办单位与协办单位、承办单位的合作协议,人才交流会场馆产权证明或租赁协议等。

  第十三条 本市人事行政部门按照以下程序审批人才中介服务机构提出的举办人才交流会申请:  (一)受理。人事行政部门接到内容齐全、符合规定形式的申请材料即为受理,申请材料不齐全或不符合规定形式的,应当场或5日内一次告知申请单位要补正的全部内容。   (二)审核决定。人事行政部门对受理的内容齐全、符合规定形式的申请材料进行审查,必要时可派工作人员对材料的实质内容进行核实。    符合本市举办人才交流会规定条件的,应予以批准;不符合规定条件的,应当书面通知申请单位并说明理由。  人事行政部门应自受理之日起15日内审核完毕并作出答复,超过15日未做答复的,即视为同意。

  第十四条 主办单位收到人事行政部门批准文件后应到交流会举办地的公安、消防、城管等部门办理相关手续。

  第十五条 举办单位必须按照人事行政部门批准的内容举办人才交流会,不得擅自更改人才交流会的名称、时间、地点及规模等事项。

  拟刊播的广告稿或广告稿样式一经核准不得擅自改动。  人才交流会举办单位在筹备举办经批准的临时性人才交流会期间,原则上不得提出新的临时性人才交流会举办申请。

  第十六条 因特殊情况需要取消举办或变更固定性人才交流会举办场所及临时性人才交流会的名称、时间、地点等项目的,主办单位应在交流会原定时间前30天向原审批机关提出书面申请,说明理由,附有关证明材料。经审批机关批准后,主办单位应及时刊播启示声明,有关责任和费用由举办单位共同承担。    变更申请未获批准的,必须按照原方案实施。擅自变更人才交流会项目的,按未经批准举办人才交流会处理。

  第十七条 临时性人才交流会的主办单位,应在交流会结束后15 日内向批准机关书面报告交流活动的基本情况。固定性人才交流会的主办单位,应在交流会年度计划完成后一个月内向批准机关书面报告上一年度交流活动的基本情况。

  第十八条 审批机关应对人才交流会的组织及活动情况进行监督、检查和评价。对举办单位未能按照批准文件落实交流会组织计划或者管理混乱或者未按规定提交情况报告和备案材料的,人事行政部门可暂停或取消其举办人才交流会的资格。

  第十九条 凡违反本细则,在本市擅自举办人才交流会或更改交流会批准事项、出现重大事故的,由相关人事行政部门按有关规定予以处罚,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

  第二十条 本细则由宁波市人事局负责解释。

  第二十一条 本细则自印发之日起施行。


财政部 教育部 人力资源和社会保障部






财政部 教育部 人力资源社会保障部




  第一条 根据《财政部、国家发展改革委、教育部、人力资源社会保障部关于中等职业学校农村家庭经济困难学生和涉农专业学生免学费工作的意见》(财教〔2009〕442号)要求,为加强中等职业学校免学费补助资金的管理,确保免学费政策顺利实施,制定本办法。

  第二条 本办法所称中等职业学校是指经政府有关部门依法批准设立,实施全日制中等学历教育的各类职业学校,包括公办和民办的普通中专、成人中专、职业高中、技工学校和高等学校附属的中专部、中等职业学校等。

  第三条 中等职业学校免学费补助资金是指中等职业学校学生享受免学费政策后,为弥补学校运转出现的经费缺口,财政核拨的补助资金,包括一、二年级免学费补助资金和公办学校三年级顶岗实习困难专业免学费补助资金。

  第四条 中等职业学校免学费补助资金由中央和地方财政共同承担,省级财政统筹落实,省和省以下各级财政根据各省(区、市)人民政府及其价格主管部门批准的公办中等职业学校学费标准予以补助。

  第五条 中央财政统一按每生每年平均2000元测算标准和一定比例与地方财政分担,具体分担比例为:西部地区,不分生源,分担比例为8∶2;中部地区,生源地为西部地区的,分担比例为8∶2,生源地为其他地区的,分担比例为6∶4;东部地区,生源地为西部地区和中部地区的,分担比例分别为8∶2和6∶4,生源地为东部地区的,分担比例分省确定。

  第六条 对公办中等职业学校免学费资金的补助方式为:第一、二学年因免除学费导致学校运转出现的经费缺口,由财政按免除学费的标准给予补助;第三学年因免除学费导致学校运转出现的经费缺口,财政原则上不予补助,由学校通过校企合作和顶岗实习等方式获取的收入予以弥补。对涉农专业和经认定顶岗实习有困难的其他专业,财政按一定标准给予适当补助。

  第七条 对民办中等职业学校学生的补助方式为:对一、二年级符合免学费条件的学生,按照当地同类型同专业公办中等职业学校免学费标准给予补助。学费标准高出公办学校免学费标准部分由学生家庭负担;低于公办学校免学费标准的,按民办学校实际学费标准予以补助。

  第八条 各级财政部门要及时拨付免学费补助资金,保证中等职业学校教育教学活动的正常开展。

  第九条 中等职业学校对农村家庭经济困难学生的认定要坚持公开、公平、公正的原则,在每学期开学一个月内将农村家庭经济困难学生名单及其相关信息在校内进行不少于5个工作日的公示。

  第十条 中等职业学校免学费工作实行校长负责制,校长对上报的学生信息的真实性和补助资金的使用管理负主要责任。中等职业学校要加强财务管理,建立规范的预决算制度,按照预算管理的要求,编制综合预算,收支全部纳入学校预算管理,年终要编制决算。

  第十一条 各地职业教育行政管理部门要完善中等职业学校学籍信息管理系统,建立农村家庭经济困难学生和涉农专业学生的信息档案,保证享受免学费政策的学生信息完整和准确。

  第十二条 各级财政、教育和人力资源社会保障部门要加强对中等职业学校免学费补助资金使用情况的监督检查。对虚报学生人数,骗取财政补助资金或挤占、挪用、截留免学费补助资金等违规行为,按照《财政违法行为处罚处分条例》(国务院令第427号)有关规定严肃处理。涉嫌犯罪的,移交司法机关。

  第十三条 每年春季学期开学前,各地职业教育行政管理部门要对中等职业学校办学资质进行全面清查并公示,对不合格的学校,取消其享受免学费补助资金的资格。要根据《民办教育促进法》的规定,加强对民办中等职业学校的监管,纳入免学费补助范围的民办学校名单由省级教育和人力资源社会保障部门负责审定。

  第十四条 本办法由财政部、教育部和人力资源社会保障部负责解释。各省(区、市)可依据本办法制定实施细则。

  第十五条 本办法自发布之日起执行。


The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress


(Adopted at the 13th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the
Sixth National People's Congress, promulgated by Order No. 31 of the
President of the People's Republic of China on November 22, 1985, and
effective as of February 1, 1986)

Chapter I General Provisions
Chapter II Entry into the Country
Chapter III Residence
Chapter IV Travel
Chapter V Exit from the Country
Chapter VI Administrative Organs
Chapter VII Penalties
Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions

Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1
This Law is formulated with a view to safeguarding the sovereignty of the
People's Republic of China, maintaining its security and public order and
facilitating international exchange.
This Law is applicable to aliens entering, leaving and transiting the
territory of the People's Republic of China and to those residing and
travelling in China.
Article 2
Aliens must obtain the permission of the competent authorities of the
Chinese Government in order to enter, transit or reside in China.
Article 3
For entry, exit and transit, aliens must pass through ports open to aliens
or other designated ports and must be subject to inspection by the
frontier inspection offices. For entry, exit and transit, foreign-owned
means of transport must pass through ports open to aliens or other
designated ports and must be subject to inspection and supervision by the
frontier inspection offices.
Article 4
The Chinese Government shall protect the lawful rights and interests of
aliens on Chinese territory.
Freedom of the person of aliens is inviolable. No alien may be arrested
except with the approval or by decision of a people's procuratorate or by
decision of a people's court, and arrest must be made by a public security
organ or state security organ.
Article 5
Aliens in China must abide by Chinese laws and may not endanger the state
security of China, harm public interests or disrupt public order.

Chapter II Entry into the Country
Article 6
For entry into China, aliens shall apply for visas from Chinese diplomatic
missions, consular offices or other resident agencies abroad authorized by
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In specific situations aliens may, in
compliance with the provisions of the State Council, apply for visas to
visa-granting offices at ports designated by the competent authorities of
the Chinese Government.
The entry of nationals from countries having visa agreements with the
Chinese Government shall be handled in accordance with those agreements.
In cases where another country has special provisions for Chinese citizens
entering and transiting that country, the competent authorities of the
Chinese Government may adopt reciprocal measures contingent on the
Visas are not required for aliens in immediate transit on connected
international flights who hold passenger tickets and stay for no more than
24 hours in China entirely within airport boundaries. Anyone desiring to
leave the airport temporarily must obtain permission from the frontier
inspection office.
Article 7
When applying for various kinds of visas, aliens shall present valid
passports and, if necessary, provide pertinent evidence.
Article 8
Aliens who have been invited or hired to work in China shall, when
applying for visas, produce evidence of the invitation or employment.
Article 9
Aliens desiring to reside permanently in China shall, when applying for
visas, present status-of-residence identification forms. Applicants may
obtain such forms from public security organs at the place where they
intend to reside.
Article 10
The competent authorities of the Chinese Government shall issue
appropriate visas to aliens according to the purposes stated in their
entry applications.
Article 11
When an aircraft or a vessel navigating international routes arrives at a
Chinese port, the captain or his agent must submit a passenger name list
to the frontier inspection office; a foreign aircraft or vessel must also
provide a name list of its crew members.
Article 12
Aliens who are considered a possible threat to China's state security and
public order shall not be permitted to enter China.

Chapter III Residence
Article 13
For residence in China, aliens must possess identification papers or
residence certificates issued by the competent authorizes of the Chinese
Government. The term of validity of identification papers or residence
certificates shall be determined according to the purposes of entry.
Aliens residing in China shall submit their certificates to the local
public security organs for examination within the prescribed period of
Article 14
Aliens who, in compliance with Chinese laws, find it necessary to
establish prolonged residence in China for the purpose of investing in
China or engaging in cooperative projects with Chinese enterprises or
institutions in the economic, scientific, technological and cultural
fields, or for other purposes, are eligible for prolonged or permanent
residence in China upon approval by the competent authorities of the
Chinese Government.
Article 15
Aliens who seek asylum for political reasons shall be permitted to reside
in China upon approval by the competent authorities of the Chinese
Article 16
Aliens who fail to abide by Chinese laws may have their period of stay in
China curtailed or their status of residence in China annulled by the
competent authorities of the Chinese Government.
Article 17
For a temporary overnight stay in China, aliens shall complete
registration procedures pursuant to the relevant provisions.
Article 18
Aliens holding residence certificates who wish to change their place of
residence in China must complete removal formalities pursuant to the
relevant provisions.
Article 19
Aliens who have not acquired residence certificates or who are on a study
programme in China may not seek employment in China without permission of
the competent authorities of the Chinese Government.

Chapter IV Travel
Article 20
Aliens who hold valid visas or residence certificates may travel to places
open to aliens as designated by the Chinese Government.
Article 21
Aliens desiring to travel to places closed to aliens must apply to local
public security organs for travel permits.

Chapter V Exit from the Country
Article 22
For exit from China, aliens shall present their valid passports or other
valid certificates.
Article 23
Aliens belonging to any of the following categories shall not be allowed
to leave China:
(1) defendants in criminal cases or criminal suspects confirmed by a
public security organ, a people's procuratorate or a people's court;
(2) persons who, as notified by a people's court, shall be denied exit
owing to involvement in unresolved civil cases; and
(3) persons who have committed other acts in violation of Chinese law who
have not been dealt with and against whom the competent authorities
consider it necessary to institute prosecution.
Article 24
Frontier inspection offices shall have the power to stop aliens belonging
to any of the following categories from leaving the country and to deal
with them according to law:
(1) holders of invalid exit certificates;
(2) holders of exit certificates other than their own; and
(3) holders of forged or altered exit certificates.

Chapter VI Administrative Organs
Article 25
China's diplomatic missions, consular offices and other resident agencies
abroad authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall be the Chinese
Government's agencies abroad to handle aliens' applications for entry and
The Ministry of Public Security, its authorized local public security
organs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its authorized local foreign
affairs departments shall be the Chinese Government's agencies in China to
handle aliens' applications for entry, transit, residence and travel.
Article 26
The authorities handling aliens' applications for entry, transit,
residence and travel shall have the power to refuse to issue visas and
certificates or to cancel visas and certificates already issued or declare
them invalid.
The Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs may,
when necessary, alter decisions made by their respectively authorized
Article 27
An alien who enters or resides in China illegally may be detained for
examination or be subjected to residential surveillance or deportation by
a public security organ at or above the county level.
Article 28
While performing their duties, foreign affairs police of the public
security organs at or above the county level shall have the power to
examine the passports and other certificates of aliens. When conducting
such examinations, the foreign affairs police shall produce their own
service certificates, and relevant organizations or individuals shall have
the duty to offer them assistance.

Chapter VII Penalties
Article 29
If a person, in violation of the provisions of this Law, enters or leaves
China illegally, establishes illegal residence or makes an illegal
stopover in China, travels to places closed to aliens without a valid
travel document, forges or alters an entry or exit certificate, uses
another person's certificate as his own or transfers his certificate, he
may be penalized by a public security organ at or above the county level
with a warning, a fine or detention for not more than ten days. If the
circumstances of the case are serious enough to constitute a crime,
criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the law.
If an alien subject to a fine or detention by a public security organ
refuses to accept the penalty, he may, within 15 days of receiving
notification, appeal to the public security organ at the next higher
level, which shall make the final decision; he may also directly file suit
in the local people's court.
Article 30
In cases where a person commits any of the acts stated in Article 29 of
this Law, if the circumstances are serious, the Ministry of Public
Security may impose a penalty by ordering him to leave the country within
a certain time or may expel him from the country.

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions
Article 31
For the purposes of this Law the term "alien" means any person not holding
Chinese nationality according to the Nationality Law of the People's
Republic of China.
Article 32
Transistory entry into and exit from China by aliens who are nationals of
a country adjacent to China and who reside in areas bordering on China
shall be handled according to any relevant agreements between the two
countries or, in the absence of such agreements, according to the relevant
provisions of the Chinese Government.
Article 33
The Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall,
pursuant to this Law, formulate rules for its implementation, which shall
go into effect after being submitted to and approved by the State Council.
Article 34
Affairs concerning members of foreign diplomatic missions and consular
offices in the People's Republic of China and other aliens who enjoy
diplomatic privileges and immunities, after their entry into China, shall
be administered in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State
Council and its competent departments.
Article 35
This Law shall go into effect on February 1, 1986.

Important Notice:
This English document is coming from "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.